LMU Mentoring

The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich has set itself the goal of supporting outstanding postdocs on their academic career path. To this end, the LMU Mentoring Program was launched in 2007. Since 2017, the administration and financial management of the LMU Mentoring Program has been the responsibility of the faculties.

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich has set itself the goal of supporting outstanding postdocs on their academic career path. To this end, the LMU Mentoring Program was launched in 2007. Since 2017, the administration and financial management of the LMU Mentoring Program has been the responsibility of the faculties.

Each funding phase lasts one year. The mentees are supported in particular through discussions with the mentor and a budget for travel, material and auxiliary resources. The budget available for each institute is allocated to the mentees by the selection committee. As a rule, the funding amounts to a low four-figure sum, up to a maximum of 5,000 euros.


The mentoring program is advertised annually via the institutes. Details on the required documents and the application procedure can therefore be found in the respective current calls for applications. As a rule, the following documents must be submitted to the institute management/office:

  • approx. 2-page letter of motivation, including details:
    • the extent to which the requested funding meets the objectives of the call for proposals
    • the current job situation and the status of the qualification or research project
    • how the financial resources would be used in the event of funding
    • who is designated as a mentor
  • Description of the current qualification or research project (approx. ½ page),
  • Curriculum vitae with list of publications and, if applicable, list of third-party funding, awards, etc.

Selection criteria and process

At least 75 percent of the mentees per funding phase should be female. Applicants should still be employed at LMU for at least 6 months at the beginning of the funding period.

Postdocs with the long-term career goal of a professorship who are disadvantaged due to structural obstacles in the academic system are eligible to apply. Disadvantages may exist, for example, in connection with gender, chronic illness/disability, family and care responsibilities, migration background, educationally disadvantaged family background, language, employment relationships or a change of subject.

The selection committee usually consists of the director of the institute, possibly another professor, a member of the mid-level staff and the women's representative. The committee decides in a competitive admission procedure which applicants will be accepted as mentees.


Mentors can be all professors of Faculty 15 as well as junior research group leaders or similar. Mentors from outside the faculty or LMU are also possible. In this case, the travel expenses of the mentor or mentee will be charged to the mentee's budget.

The mentees undertake to contact their mentor of choice independently. The mentees and the respective mentor meet as required, but at least once per semester - the initiative for a meeting always comes from the mentee. At the first meeting, a mentoring agreement is drawn up, in which target agreements for the support phase are also agreed. At the end of the support phase, the mentor and mentee meet for a final evaluation of these target agreements.

Concrete design of the funding program

At the beginning of the program, there is a kick-off event for all mentors and mentees, which provides information about the program and helps them to get to know each other. In addition, the mentees are encouraged to take part in gender sensitization workshops (organized across faculties) during the two-year funding phase.

The mentees and the respective mentor meet as required, but at least once per semester - the initiative for a meeting is always taken by the mentee. At the first meeting, a mentoring agreement is drawn up, in which target agreements for the support phase are also agreed. At the end of the support phase, the mentor and mentee meet for a final evaluation of these target agreements.


If you have any questions, please contact the Gender Equality Representatives of the Faculty of Social Sciences and her deputies, as well as the directors/offices of the institutes.