Summer School 2024

In 2024, the Departments of Sociology, Political Science and Communication Studies will once again organize a joint Summer School of the Faculty of Social Sciences, continuing the tradition of this format that existed until 2020. The Summer School consists of three independent block seminars, each conducted by lecturers from the IfS, GSI and IfKW respectively, as well as a joint supporting program (e.g. panel discussion, guest lectures).

A 25% position (TV-L E 13) is available from 01.04.2024 to 31.12.2024 for the content conception and design, organization and implementation of the event. It is associated with 2 LVS teaching. The position can be used, for example, to top up an existing employment contract or, in the case of a full-time position, to support the person running the school. For the organization, material and auxiliary resources in the amount of 3,000.00 euros are available after consultation.

All academic staff and members of the faculty are invited to apply.

The topic of the summer school must be suitable for the three participating subjects. Digital Democracy, Sustainability, Surveillance in the 21st Century, Populism, Migration &
Refuge, Demoscopy, Green Visions and Care.

The aim of the events is, on the one hand, to present the faculty in research and teaching together and, on the other hand, to convey social science research and academic practice to students in a conference format.

If you have any questions, please contact the office administration.

We look forward to receiving applications with a concept paper of max. 1,500 words and a CV by 15.01.2024 to: